Wednesday, 20 November 2019

Uses and Advantages of Single Phase Motors

Are you also planning to use a single-phase motor but are confused about whether it is the right choice or not? There are a lot of options that one can make when it comes to the installation of a motor. In this article, we have discussed why single phase motor should be preferred over any other motor. 

What is Single Phase Motor?
The single phase motor is a type of AC motor which utilizes the electromagnetic principles for creating rotational energy. They are mostly used in domestic appliances due to less horsepower. The single phase motors contain both the rotors and stators, like most of the electric motors. They only used one winding that carries the AC current.

Types of the Single Phase Motors
The different types of single phase motors are given below.Split-phase motors
This one has a single cage rotor that has two windings, out of which one is called as main winding, and the other is starting winding. The windings are placed at a right angle to each other. The split-phase winding gives a push initially for starting the rotation, and then the starting winding keeps the motor running.
Shaded Pole motors
This type of motor is much more simplistic than the other single phase motors, as they require no extra switches or circuits. The pole of this motor is divided into two halves that are created by extending the main stator winding into further small windings on one of these halves. 

Uses of Single Phase Motor
The single phase motors are used in the equipment that consumes less horsepower and is smaller in size. This mainly includes domestic appliances such as fans, compressors, drills, pumps, and refrigerators.     

Advantages of Single Phase Motor
There are a number of benefits of the single-phase motors, and we have mentioned a few of them here. These are the aspects that will maximize your use of the device.
·         Efficient Transmission
The foremost reason of using a single phase motor is that the stator resistance losses have decreased to a great extent. This implies that the efficiency of the transmission will also increase and helps the unit to operate at the optimum.
·         Compact and light-weighted
Since the transmission voltage is high, the current that passes through the line is very less, which means that the motor id very light in weight and also compact in size. It is very portable due to its size and weight.
·         Affordable 
The single phase motors are not at all expensive when compared to other motors. The manufacturing cost of the motor is very less, which makes it very affordable. In addition to this, it requires very little maintenance and does not require any repairs services. They last for a long time and do not get damaged easily unless it is operated in the wrong way.

This article was an understanding of single phase motor, its uses, and advantages for the users. However, there is a lot more to learn about this motor.

Monday, 4 November 2019

Industrial Automation Control and its Advantages

Industrial automation is the proper use of information technology such as computers and robots for carrying out the different processes in the industry. You can also say that they are a replacement for human beings. In the early times, it was used to increase productivity to decrease the cost. But these days it is used to improve the quality of the manufacturing process. 

Benefits of Industrial Automation 

·      If you wish to add a new task to the production line, then one needs to do it manually and it is time-consuming. In the case of industrial automation control, these tasks can be programmed by the robots, which make the production process more flexible.
·   It offers more efficiency in production with fewer workers. You need a handful of workers to track and operate heavy machinery, rather than a room full of jobs. The high cost of production means lower income. The lower cost of production and higher production result in more consumer-friendly goods.
·   It can make the supply chain safe for employees by implementing robots to handle unsafe conditions. It removes workers from getting exposed to dangerous chemicals, polluted air, scorching temperatures, burnouts heavy objects, and other worst conditions.
·   Adding the system can help you to gather the key information, improve the accuracy of data, and reduce costs of data collection. It also provides the information to make the right decisions when it comes to reducing errors and improve the processes.
·     Automation helps in decreasing the error that is associated with the operations performed by humans. They perform the tasks in the best way and end in producing high-quality products. It not only makes manufacturing efficient but also optimizes the entire process. This leads to new, innovative products, improved flexibility, and better consumer experience.

Get your system installed now

To ensure success rates in the company, one needs to have the best industrial automation control. So, let Allen Bradley help you in running your company in the best efficient way so as to avoid any inconvenience in the future. Get in contact with them today at

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